My twins are my rainbow babies- a term given to babies born after a miscarriage. They were born nearly exactly a year after I lost a baby... a day that I'll never forget because it was Easter Sunday. We conceived a few months after that and to say we were timid, fearful, and nervous about the pregnancy was an understatement. Pretty much a few weeks into the pregnancy, I started feeling like I was carrying twins. It was a crazy notion, but one I could not shake, despite family and friends telling me I was NOT carrying twins and it was weird to think I was!
At our 10 week ultrasound, the nurse did her thing... and only one baby appeared on the screen. "Are you SURE there is only one baby in there??" I asked? "Yep! Only one!! See?" I wasn't convinced, even though that picture evidence was enough to convince everyone else I was really only carrying one baby. 13 weeks rolled around and I went in for the standard genetic screening test. I went on my own, telling Sean he didn't need to come to this one. Well, he should have. I had to find out I really WAS carrying twins, much to the ultrasound techs surprise and mine too. It would have been nice to share that shock and "I TOLD YOU SO" with someone else!
Throughout the pregnancy, we remained in shock. I mean, twins don't run in our family! When they were born at 38.5 weeks at 7.12lbs each, we were STILL in shock. What were we going to do with TWO babies?! Even today, every once in awhile we will look at them and start laughing. It's crazy to think we thought we were done having kids and now we had two extra!
They bring so much joy to our lives every day. Even through extreme sleep deprivation, they have an amazing power to make us smile and de-stress us. I knew I wanted to do a rainbow themed cake smash for their 1st birthday as I hadn't done a rainbow themed newborn photo. I am so excited at how the set-up turned out. The cake was gorgeous, their outfits were on point.... and even though they cried nearly the whole time because they were scared of the friend I brought in to assist me.. and even though Olivia kept shoving cake in her mouth despite not wanting to (and her face showed it)... and despite Alexandra crawling away every chance she got... I LOVE their pictures!! And I hope you do too!
DELICIOUS & Beautiful Cake made by Baked Life (formally Sweets Geeky Cakes) in Spokane, WA
I'm a little happy they didn't demolish the cake, because we REALLY wanted some!!